Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
Surely this question crossed your mind the first time you considered performing a laser hair removal treatment or went to complete a session. It is the most frequent question our clients ask us when they visit one of our centers for the first time. Go ahead. You have no reason to worry.
It makes perfect sense to think about it. Because pain is something we directly associate with waxing. We are so used to suffering the painful ravages of some hair removal systems – especially those based on pulling out the hair from its roots – that we fear laser hair removal will not be an exception. And even more so when we talk about something that sounds as mysterious as the laser!
Don’t worry; You already know that at Siempre A Punto, we are at your disposal to answer your questions and tell you everything you need to know about laser hair removal.
The first item you must know is that, on some occasions, laser hair removal can cause discomfort. But, in any case, this sensation is much less painful than other non-definitive hair removal systems, such as wax or electric machines, and it usually disappears once the session is over. In addition, a feeling of discomfort usually becomes more tolerable with each new session that you apply.
How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
In some articles, you may have read that laser hair removal is completely painless; this is not entirely true. Generally, the sensation when applying the laser to the skin is the equivalent of tingling, a small prick, or a pinch.
However, as is often the case when we talk about pain, the intensity depends on each person and their pain threshold. Some clients do not feel discomfort in any area, while others notice a little discomfort.
The body areas where laser hair removal is performed also influence the sensation of greater or lesser discomfort. As with traditional hair removal systems, the most painful areas are the armpits, the groin, and the genitals. A more significant number of nerve endings stimulated by the laser are concentrated in these areas. Fortunately, these areas are small, so the discomfort will not last long.
Finally, skin type also influences our discomfort when receiving laser treatment. In this way, the quantity of hair is abundant, and its pigmentation is dark. Therefore, you will be able to notice the greater intensity of pain because you have more melanin in it, and the laser remain attracted to that pigmentation. On the plus side, the treatment will also be more effective for the same reason, so you’ll probably need fewer sessions to make your hair go away than someone with lighter hair.
What Do We Do At Grupostop To Mitigate The Pain?
The best solution to mitigate the effect of pain is the Air Cooling System. Our cooling system uses cold air. This innovative system constantly cools the skin area on which the laser acts, providing an anesthetic effect that reduces the feeling of discomfort.
With this technological novelty, a much more effective and long-lasting result remain achieved than more outdated systems, such as cryogen. In addition, the cold air “numbs” the skin on which the laser works continuously, not only at the moment of the laser shot, which provides a much more pleasant experience.
If it occurs, there are other solutions to soften this feeling of discomfort. The simplest is to apply cold plates for topical use before or immediately after the session, especially on areas where the skin is more delicate and sensitive, such as the face.
What Is The Most Painful Hair Removal?
As with traditional hair removal systems, the most painful areas are the armpits, the groin, and the genitals. A more significant number of nerve endings stimulated by the laser are concentrated in these areas.
What Is The Type Of Laser That Does Not Hurt?
Diode laser hair removal is less painful than other types of laser hair removal. Although the pain depends a lot on the sensitivity of each person and the type of skin. With diode laser hair removal, the sensation is almost painless.
What Type Of Laser Is The Most Effective?
Idea Garuz, a laser technician at Clínicas Láser Fusión in Zaragoza. Says that the diode laser is the most effective because it works at the longest wavelength. Between 800 and 810 nanometers. It allows light to penetrate deeper into the hair follicle, thereby removing hair more effectively.
What Hurts More Pulsed Light Or Laser?
On the other hand, IPL hair removal is painless and can be adapted to all skin types -unlike laser, the laser is more precise and allows smaller areas to be covered but with greater intensity.
What Is The Best Laser For Lasting Hair Removal In 2020?
Diode laser is probably the most used today since, It allows to act on phototype I to VI and tanned skin with dark hair. Its wavelength is 810 nanometers. Soprano laser is the last one that has to remain introduced in the permanent hair removal market.
The Allure Blog, Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt? Makes perfect sense to think about it. Because pain is something we directly associate with waxing. You may have read that laser hair removal is completely painless; this is not entirely true.