Health insurance is an agreement that you sign with an insurer so that, in exchange for a periodic premium, it takes care, in whole or in part, of the expenses derived from medical and health care that you may need. It is, in short, a type of insurance that will provide you with health or care coverage if you suffer from specific ailments or illnesses.
Taking out insurance of this kind will protect you against high medical and health costs, thus guaranteeing your peace of mind and that of your loved ones, knowing that you have doctors and hospital centers at your disposal to provide you with medical assistance.
What does Health Insurance Cover?
Health insurance coverage is the factor that you should prioritize the most when choosing one policy or another. Even on the basis that some modalities include more guarantees than others, we can affirm that comprehensive health insurance would be the one that covers the following coverage:
- Primary medical assistance. It would include general medicine consultations, pediatric, nursing, and ambulance services.
- Access to specialties. It would be interesting if it had at least traumatology, cardiology, dermatology, and gynecology.
- Diagnostic tests. The insurance should cover analytical tests, ultrasounds, and radiology services.
- Surgical interventions.
- Hospitalization service with covered expenses for at least 24 hours.
- 24-hour emergency service.
- Dental service includes at least essential treatments, such as oral cleaning, simple extractions, and a visit to the dentist.
- It should include the childbirth preparation service, the delivery, and the obstetric services.
Types of Health Insurance
Within the different types of health insurance, they could be included in insurance with a copayment or without a copayment, maximum coverage, and basic coverage; insurance with reimbursement coverage. The two most important would be the medical chart and the reimbursement.
Medical Insurance With Copay
Insurance with copayment must be paid in a previously fixed amount each time some medical services are used.
Medical Insurance Without Copay
Unlike the previous ones, in medical insurance with copay, no additional payments will have to be paid since, with the premium payment, you can use all the medical services you need.
Medical Chart
In this option, the insurer lists doctors and hospital centers you can go to at no additional cost since they are arranged with the company.
What must be taken into account to take out Health Insurance?
If you consider hiring private health insurance, you should keep in mind the following elements:
- Coverages included. Check that the policy you will hire consists of those benefits that interest you the most and that you may need the most, even if this means a higher premium.
- Medical chart. Knowing the list of doctors that the insurer makes available to you and the associated health centers is essential. Likewise, knowing which emergency centers are available and if home care is also included is essential.
- Grace periods. Before taking out health insurance, consider the waiting periods imposed by the various medical benefits.
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Automatic Restoration
Co-morbidities/Pre-existing Diseases
Co payment
Critical Illness
Cashless Claims
Network Hospitals
Sum Insured
Top-up plans
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